
Ending space - dr. Tomaž Brejc
The time which I belong to - Mateja Sever
The sublime and romanticism in contemporary Slovene painting - Andrej Medved
A hole in time - Barbara Sterle Vurnik
Somewhere in time - Maja Megla
Artists about art : Lee Krassner
Artists about art : Georgia O'Keefe
Artists about art : Agnes Martin
Artists about art : Louise Nevelson
Artists about art : Auguste Rodin


Somewhere in time

MAJA NINALOTA SEVER, born in 1970 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, is already a well-formed and established author and artist.

Throughout her work she deals with and attends the subtle spaces of human existence, which she expresses in different forms and media. A big part of her creative attention is given to light, which is presented as the core or the essence of being, as the source of life and giving life. For this reason she is always mentioned as an author of unforgettable mental landscapes, of remote, vast, mysterious and surreal horizons. The strength of her art lies in the realm of abstract and sublime.

The metaphysical dimension of light in a series of these photographs is already reflected in their titles – for example – Somewhere in Time, At the End of the World, Frozen Time, Heavens, Light of the Temples, Man-Time… and others. As if coming from behind and through the image, the glitters and splashes of sun-rays, reflected in the ocean, stretching far away into endlessness, are pulsating in bluish, whitish, silvery and golden shades. Images are completed with the presence of human figures or with details of the buildings, mostly columns of Greek temples. These are the images of light, space and time. They are the images of sublime and superb which reflects in the outer, but is in fact a mirror of the inner, of the man’s intimate world, of his state of being and of his relation to the world. Therefore the horizon – the thin line of coming together of earth and sky, material and non-material – is also a symbolic expression of duality which is nature of all things: life and death, active and passive, black and white, also male and female.

What drives us, however, is what stands behind it all. And – so it seems – the artist wants to go right there – to break through, to catch, to feel fully this vastness…

MAJA MEGLA (newspaper Delo, 24th November 2006)


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